Mini Nephilim {Elemental Resist} - Passive: Elemental Resist.
Zombie Shield {Saint Resist} - Passive: Saint Resist.
Skeleton Buckler {Refresh} - Passive: Refresh.
Shield of Glory {Phys Weapon Resist} - Passive: Physical Weapon Resist.
Tattoo (Underwear):
Tattoo of Wild Magic - Augmentation Skill: Wild Magic Passive 10Lvl.
Tattoo of Empower - Augmentation Skill: Empower Passive 10Lvl.
Tattoo of Might - Augmentation Skill: Might Passive 10Lvl.
Tattoo of Duel Might - Augmentation Skill: Duel Might Passive 10Lvl.
Tattoo of Focus - Augmentation Skill: Focus Passive 10Lvl.
Tattoo of Shield - Augmentation Skill: Shield Passive 10Lvl.
Tattoo of Magic Barrier - Augmentation Skill: Magic Barrier Passive 10Lvl.
Tattoo of Party Summon - Doom Cryer Skill: Summon Gate.
Costumes (accessories Face):
- Blue Death Suit
- Red Death Suit
- Purpure Death Suit
- Skin Assassin
- Bear Custome
- Cat Custome
- Suit Swimsuit
- Steampunk Costume
- Robber Costume
- Fairy Costume
- Akamanah Costume
- Zarich Costume
- Costume New Year's deer
- Phoenix Costume
- Heir Costume
- Antharas Costume
- Chaos Agent Costume
- Rabbit costume
- Agent Peely
- Agent Peely Green
- Atlantis
- Aegis style
Все Аксессуары имеют слот Hair.
All Accessories have a Hair slot.

Guardian Sword [Critical Bleed] - change SA for Guardian Sword [Focus].

Ecliptic Sword [Magic Silence] - change SA for Ecliptic Sword [Acumen].

Dragon Slayer [Critical Drain] - change SA for Dragon Slayer [Focus].

Sirra's Blade [Critical Poison] - change SA for Sirra's Blade [Focus].

Sobekk's Hurricane [Critical Drain] - change SA for Sobekk's Hurricane [Focus].

Themis' Tongue [Magic Mental Shield] - change SA for Themis' Tongue [Acumen].

Cabrio's Hand [Magic Silence] - change SA for Cabrio's Hand [Acumen].
Major Arcana set - M. Atk. +5%, Casting Speed +15%, Speed +7, magic cancel rate -50%, stun vulnerability -50%, and weight limit +5759, WIT+1, INT+1, MEN-2.

Apella Plate Set (Heavy) - Produces the following effects: Maximum CP +232 and +40% CP recovery speed. When under attack from an opposing PC, debuff can be cast at an 80% success rate. P. Atk. speed +8%, weight limit +5759, chance to get Poison/Bleed attack -80%, STR+2, and CON-2.

Apella Brigandine Set (Light) - Produces the following effects: Maximum CP +195 and +40% CP recovery speed. When under attack from an opposing PC, debuff can be cast at an 80% success rate. Attack speed/P. Atk, +4%, Maximum MP 289, and weight limit +5759, DEX+1, STR+1, CON-2.

Apella Doublet Set (Robe) - Produces the following effects: Maximum CP +177 and +40% CP recovery speed. When under attack from an opposing PC, debuff can be cast at an 80% success rate. M. Atk. +5%, Casting Speed +15%, Speed +7, magic cancel rate -50%, stun vulnerability -50%, and weight limit +5759, WIT+1, INT+1, MEN-2.

Shadow Frintezza's Necklace - Increases P. Def./M. Def. +3%, resistance to Sleep by 15%, to Poison by 25%, to Bleed by 25%, to Paralysis by 15%, to Shock by 15%. Decreases Re-use Delay. Also produces the effects of Damange Shield, and enhanced ability to defend against dark attacks.

Frintezza's Necklace - Increases P. Def./M. Def. +6%, resistance to Sleep by 30%, to Poison by 50%, to Bleed by 50%, to Paralysis by 30%, to Shock by 30%. Decreases Re-use Delay. Also produces the effects of Damange Shield, and enhanced ability to defend against dark attacks.

Shadow Ring of Baium - Produces the following effects: MP +21, 40% increase in resistance to poisoning, increase in Accuracy, increase in critical damage, 30% increase in resistance to hold, and increase in Atk. Spd. and Casting Spd. If a character wears two identical rings, only the effect of one ring will be applied.

Shadow Ring of Queen Ant - Produces the following effects: MP +21, 30% increase in resistance to poisoning, increase in accuracy, increase in critical damage, and 20% increase in resistance to hold. If a character wears two identical rings, only the effect of one ring will be applied.

Shadow Earring of Orfen - Produces the following effects: MP +31, P. Atk. +3%, 20% increase in resistance to bleeding and increase in the amount of heal. If a character wears two identical earrings, the effect of only one earring will be applied.

Earring of Orfen - Produces the following effects: MP +31, P. Atk. +6%, 40% increase in resistance to bleeding and increase in the amount of heal. If a character wears two identical earrings, the effect of only one earring will be applied.

Shadow Zaken's Earring - Produces the following effects: MP +31, 30% resistance to bleeding, increased heal, vampiric rage and +20% resistance to shock/abnormal mental state. If a character wears two identical earrings, only one earring's effects will apply.

Shadow Earring of Antharas - Produces the following effects: MP +31, 40% increase in resistance to bleeding, increase in the amount of heal, vampiric rage effect, 30% increase in resistance to stun/silence, decrease in MP consumption, and increase in resistance to earthen attack. If a character wears two identical earrings, the effect of only one earring will be applied.

Shadow Ring of Core - Produces the following effects: MP +21, M. Atk. +3%, 20% increase in resistance to poisoning and increase in accuracy. If a character wears two identical rings, only the effect of one ring will be applied.

Ring of Core - Produces the following effects: MP +21, M. Atk. +6%, 40% increase in resistance to poisoning and increase in accuracy. If a character wears two identical rings, only the effect of one ring will be applied.

Shadow Necklace of Valakas - Produces the following effects: MP +42, 40% increase in sleep resistance, HP +220, decrease in reuse delay, increase in P. Atk. and M. Atk. wild magic effect, damage shield effect and increase in resistance to flaming attack.

Rune of Enchant Boost & Rune of Enchant Boost from the DM event (
10-min limited period) - Ancient characters which bestow a mysterious ability if it is possessed in the inventory. Increases the probability of successfully enchanting items and skills by 20%. The remaining period decreases even while logged off. Cannot be exchanged, dropped, or sold. Can be stored in a private warehouse.

Champion Box - Adena(50.000), Festival Adena(1-4), Secret Book of Giants(1), High-Grade Life Stone: level 76(1), Top-Grade Life Stone: level 76(1), Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade S)(1), Scroll: Enchant Armor (Grade S)(1). Can be Empty.

Big Champion Box - Adena(100.000), Festival Adena(5-7), Secret Book of Giants(2), High-Grade Life Stone: level 76(2), Top-Grade Life Stone: level 76(2), Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade S)(1), Scroll: Enchant Armor (Grade S)(1), Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade S)(1), Blessed Scroll: Enchant Armor (Grade S)(1), Suit: Agent Peely, Suit: Agent Peely Green. Can be Empty.

TvT Event Box - Adena(100.000), Festival Adena(5-10), Secret Book of Giants(1), High-Grade Life Stone: level 76(1-2), Top-Grade Life Stone: level 76(1-2), Enchant Boost Rune Box(1).

CTF Event Box - Adena(100.000), Festival Adena(5-10), Secret Book of Giants(1), High-Grade Life Stone: level 76(1-2), Top-Grade Life Stone: level 76(1-2), Enchant Boost Rune Box(1).

DM Event Box - Adena(200.000), Festival Adena(10-20), Secret Book of Giants(2-3), High-Grade Life Stone: level 76(2-3), Top-Grade Life Stone: level 76(2-3), Enchant Boost Rune Box(1), Suit: Aegis.

Shadow Epic Box - Shadow Earring of Antharas(4-hours), Shadow Necklace of Valakas(4-hours), Shadow Ring of Baium(4-hours), Shadow Zaken's Earring(4-hours), Shadow Ring of Queen Ant(4-hours), Shadow Earring of Orfen(4-hours), Shadow Ring of Core(4-hours), Shadow Frintezza's Necklace(4-hours).

Raid Boss Chest - Festival Adena(3-5), Secret Book of Giants(1-2), Greater CP Potion(5-10), High-Grade Life Stone: level 76(1-3), Top-Grade Life Stone: level 76(1-2). Can be Empty.

Epic Boss Chest - Festival Adena(5-8), Secret Book of Giants(2-3), Greater CP Potion(15-20), Top-Grade Life Stone: level 76(3-5), Shield: Mini Nephilim, Shield: Zombie Shield, Shield: Skeleton Buckler, Shield: Shield of Gladiator, Tattoo of Party Summon.

Enchant Boost Rune Box - Rune of Enchant Boost.

Top Killer Box - Greater CP Potion(10-20), Accessary: Headgear of Leader, Suit: Aegis, Secret Book of Giants(1-3), High-Grade Life Stone: level 76(1), Top-Grade Life Stone: level 76(1).

Crystal Scroll: Enchant Weapon & Armor - при неудаче оставляет заточку | if unsuccessful, keeps enchanting.