0 PvP
34 PK
4 d. 12 h. 11 m. 44 s.
![Summer.ADM [79] Summer.ADM](/uploads/images/race/male/human.jpg)
![LedySummer [80] LedySummer](/uploads/images/race/female/human.jpg)
![SummerTest [80] SummerTest](/uploads/images/race/male/human.jpg)
![green [80] green](/uploads/images/race/male/orc.jpg)
![Cassie [75] Cassie](/uploads/images/race/female/elf.jpg)
![zxcvzxcv [20] zxcvzxcv](/uploads/images/race/male/darkelf.jpg)
Подробно о Epic Boss'ах:
Epic Boss 

- На старте все Epic Boss'ы мертвы. Первый респ смотрите ниже.
- Все Epic Boss'ы имеют 80 уровень.
- На всех Eпиках реализованы PvP зоны.
- Все Epic Boss'ы привязаны к вечернему респауну.
- Шанс дропа: Queen Ant = 30%, Core / Orfen = 100%
- *Всю информацию о респауне в реальном времени вы можете посмотреть в игре, по команде .epic
- Добавлено Ring of Core 6% M. Atk.
- Добавлено Earing of Orfen 6% P. Atk.
- Добавлено Frintezza Necklace 6% M. Def / P. Def.
- Ко всем Epic Boss'ам добавлены в дроп разное количество
Epic Boss Chest.
Первый Respawn Epic Bosses:
Core: 14.03.2025
Orfen: 14.03.2025
Ant Queen: 14.03.2025
Zaken: 14.03.2025
Frintezza: 15.03.2025
Baium: 14.03.2025
Antharas: 15.03.2025
Valakas: 16.03.2025
Respawn Epic Bosses:
Core – Период: 1 день, Время: С 18:00 до 19:00 (Lvl 80).
Orfen – Период: 1 день, Время: С 19:00 до 20:00 (Lvl 80).
Ant Queen – Период: 1 день, Время: C 20:00 до 21:00 (Lvl 80).
Zaken – Период: 2 дня, Время: С 21:00 до 22:00 (Lvl 80). Дверь открывается в 22:00 (GMT+2) на 5 минут!
Frintezza – Период: 2 дня, Время: С 21:00 до 22:00.
Baium – Период: 3 дней, Время: С 22:00 до 23:00.
Antharas – Период: 4 дней, Время: С 22:00 до 23:00.
Valakas – Период: 5 дней, Время: С 22:00 до 23:00.

0 PvP
34 PK
4 d. 12 h. 11 m. 44 s.
![Summer.ADM [79] Summer.ADM](/uploads/images/race/male/human.jpg)
![LedySummer [80] LedySummer](/uploads/images/race/female/human.jpg)
![SummerTest [80] SummerTest](/uploads/images/race/male/human.jpg)
![green [80] green](/uploads/images/race/male/orc.jpg)
![Cassie [75] Cassie](/uploads/images/race/female/elf.jpg)
![zxcvzxcv [20] zxcvzxcv](/uploads/images/race/male/darkelf.jpg)
About Epic Boss:
Epic Boss 

- At the start all Epic Bosses are dead. See the first respawn below.
- All Epic Bosses are level 80.
- All Epics have implemented PvP zones.
- All Epic Bosses are tied to an evening respawn.
- Drop chance: Queen Ant = 30%, Core / Orfen = 100%.
- *You can see all the information about respawn in real time in the game, using the .epic command.
- Addedо Ring of Core 6% M. Atk.
- Added Earing of Orfen 6% P. Atk.
- Added Frintezza Necklace 6% M. Def / P. Def.
- All Epic Bosses have had different amounts of
Epic Boss Chest added to their drops.
First Respawn Epic Bosses:
Core: 14.03.2025
Orfen: 14.03.2025
Ant Queen: 14.03.2025
Zaken: 14.03.2025
Frintezza: 15.03.2025
Baium: 14.03.2025
Antharas: 15.03.2025
Valakas: 16.03.2025
Respawn Epic Bosses:
Core – Period: 1 day, Time: From 18:00 to 19:00 (Lvl 80).
Orfen – Period: 1 day, Time: From 19:00 to 20:00 (Lvl 80).
Ant Queen – Period: 1 day, Time: From 20:00 to 21:00 (Lvl 80).
Zaken – Period: 2 days, Time: From 21:00 to 22:00 (Lvl 80). The door opens at 22:00 (GMT+2) time for 5 minutes!
Frintezza – Period: 2 days, Time: From 21:00 to 22:00.
Baium – Period: 3 days, Time: From 22:00 to 23:00.
Antharas – Period: 4 days, Time: From 22:00 to 23:00.
Valakas – Period: 5 days, Time: From 22:00 to 23:00.